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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19564
This Months Entries: 5
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maker (3 entries)
squiz (2 entries)
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maker (Stoke Factor: 10 )
squiz (Stoke Factor: 6 )

Member Details Session Description
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 2939

8th September 2011
Hiking - Walking:  Escalles-France
Wind Direction:
Wind Stength:
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Weather: cloudy,windy and some rain
Max Speed:
Distance Covered: 5.97 n/m (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

With our childminding business coming to an end on Tuesday 6th Sept. After in Mags case 18 years and 92 children we have decided to take a ‘mature’ gap year and spend our small amount of savings – you only get one life!!!! So on Wednesday we load the van with bikes and windsurfers :) it’s a nightmare choosing what to take but I stick with the speed/slalom kit knowing that I will probably not be able to sail in the wavy north but I just can’t take everything :( and we off a bit late for our 6 weeks in France !!! We only miss our train by an hour but drove straight onto the train and after a short drive we were at our first stop a nice car park just outside Escalles near Sangatte, the third time we have stopped here :)
We had a great night’s sleep despite the strong wind and rain!!! We laid in until 10:15 most unusual for us the worry/ hassle of the last few weeks catching up with us!!! After breakfast we decided to have a walk as the rain had stopped :) and at 11:30 we set off up to the old windmill overlooking the car park and up to the summit of Mont d’Hubert where the big red and white mast is and a nice restaurant, despite the bad weather, cloudy, cool, windy and with rain never far away there were lots out walking :) We then headed toward the reservoir just above Sangatte and the landscape was amazing just covered in bomb craters from the allied bombing of the Second World War!!! We saw flocks of bright yellow and black birds possibly yellow wagtails :) Then after passing several old concrete bunkers through an extreme 4x4 track we saw some windsurfers launch just outside Sangatte to make the most of the waves!!! We walked to the cliff edge and sat and watched the 10 windsurfers looping and riding the waves as the ferries past just behind them, I am starting to think I should have brought some freeride kit!!!! We then headed along the cliff edge to the obelisk at the Cap Blanc-Nez and had to put our cagoules on at this point as the rain started and the wind picked up to gale force !!! We were tired and hungry by now and my hip really ached but we soldiered on and made it back to van 3 ½ hours after setting off covering 8 miles!!!
After a late lunch and relax we set off to Le Crotoy in the Somme at 4:45, we saw 30 kiters out at Wissant + a few windsurfers and after several diversions we have found a nice spot in the dunes at La Maye near Le Crotoy for the night seeing an impressive great white egret on the way :)

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